
Information of interest to members

Sine Die! CT Legislative Session 2024 Comes to an End

Sine Die! CT Legislative Session 2024 Comes to an End As of Wednesday, 5/8/24 the Connecticut Legislative Session of 2024 has come to a close. Thanks to the work of CCDL members and our stalwart pro-2A legislators, we were able to hold the line during this session. Here’s the recap… H.B. 5114: The 2024 Ammo

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Get Involved!

In addition to working just a FEW hours on a campaign, you need to ask EVERY gun owner that you know if they are even REGISTERED to vote!  An embarrassing number aren’t.  You can’t complain if you aren’t even registered to vote! As usual, CCDL (Connecticut Citizens Defense League) makes it easy!

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Last Day… 4/30/2024

Official 2023 AWB Registration Thread! By Matthew Strasser With the deadline approaching for registration, I thought it would be best to centralize all questions and comments regarding the registration aspect of HB6667. “How do I register my other?” The steps are relatively straight forward • Create an online account with SLFU • Print and fill

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MLK Day 2024

In 1956 Martin Luther King Jr. was denied a permit to carry a firearm in Alabama after his home was firebombed. If the antis wouldn’t let a civil rights hero and future Nobel Peace Prize winner carry a gun, then what do you think they’ll do to your rights? While gun grabbers will point out MLK

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