Sine Die! CT Legislative Session 2024 Comes to an End

Sine Die! CT Legislative Session 2024 Comes to an End

As of Wednesday, 5/8/24 the Connecticut Legislative Session of 2024 has come to a close. Thanks to the work of CCDL members and our stalwart pro-2A legislators, we were able to hold the line during this session. Here’s the recap…

H.B. 5114: The 2024 Ammo Tax – DEFEATED

  • Proposed 11%  ADDITIONAL tax on ammunition sales.
  • 1,500+ emails submitted by CCDL members in opposition.
  • Bill was defeated before public hearing.
H.B. 5448, Section 3: Polling Place GFZs – DEFEATED
  • Proposed turning ALL Polling Locations and Ballot Boxes into invisible Gun Free Zones
  • 1000+ emails submitted by CCDL members in opposition.
  • 500+ testimonies submitted by CCDL members in opposition, with less than 24 hours of notice.
  • Only 21 submitted in support…
  • Bill was defeated in committee.

Compared to the onslaught of anti-2A bills that we faced last year, this session was a breath of fresh air.  Two major anti-2A bills proposed… two defeated by a landslide. The work isn’t done… but this kind of momentum is what we need to move forward and reclaim our rights for ourselves, our loved ones, our communities… 

Next up: Elections… #CCDLVotes2A

*Sine Die reference to proceedings that have been adjourned with no appointed date for resumption.
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