Sine Die! 2023

Adjournment of the Connecticut General Assembly’s 2023 session was on Wednesday, June 7th at 11:59 PM
Thank You to the thousands of CCDL members and 2A supporters who advocated for your rights this legislative session by attending workshops, submitting written testimony, speaking at public hearings, writing, calling, or meeting with your legislators, attending 2A Tuesdays at the Capitol, and handing out fact sheets. -Carry On!
CCDL’s 2023 Legislative Session Recap
Legislative Workshop Attendees: 410
Bills Tracked: 94
Public Hearings: 3
Members Submitted Written Testimony: 4,160+
Bill Status:
-HB6667 A version of Governor Lamont’s massive gun control bill “AN ACT ADDRESSING GUN VIOLENCE” did PASS and was signed into law. The version that passed contained less than 40% of the original extreme proposals.
HB6667 did pass the HOUSE 96-51 and the SENATE 24-11.
THANK YOU to the 62 Legislators that stood up and defended our rights. Shame on the 120 Legislators that voted against our Freedoms. Pledge to actively work against those that do not represent you, come election time in November 2024.
-HB6895 A “FIX-IT BILL” did get squeezed through just hours before the end. This bill did fix some concerns in HB6667 e.g., Allows for Open Carry on private property with permission; Armed Security, Honor Guard, and Reenactments are exempt from the Open Carry ban; Opens “Large Capacity Magazine” declaration for those who fail to declare in 2013.
*Sine Die reference to proceedings that have been adjourned with no appointed date for resumption.
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