CCDL Benefit Course: Bully Breeds Training Intro to Defensive Handgun
Bully Breed Training, in support of CCDL is holding an “Intro to Defensive Handgun” course. All proceeds from this class will be donated to CCDL to continue the fight for our 2A rights in CT. This class is not only an investment in yourself, but also an investment in the future of peaceable Connecticut gun ownership.
This class is designed for people who have never had any formal training past the basic pistol permit course. Here are the details:
- Blue Trail Range, Wallingford CT
- April 26th, 8AM-4PM
- $200/Participant
- Limited Seats Available
- See Mandatory Gear List (Below)
- Email Bullybreedtraining@gmail.com to Pay/Register
This course will cover the following:
- CT General Statutes on Use of Force
- Safely Operating a Pistol on a Firing Line Full of Shooters
- Working from the Holster
- Shooting on the Move
- Decision-Making While Shooting
Mandatory Gear List (Please Ask if you have any questions, failing to show up with the proper gear will result in ejection from the course)
- Quality Full-Size/Mid-Size Pistol (ex. Glock 17/19) chambered in a defensive caliber (9mm, .40, 45ACP, etc…) No micro/subcompact pistols (ex. Glock 42/43), this is NOT a Concealed Carry class.
- Quality Strong-Side OWB Holster, NO SERPA or SERPA-Styled Retention Systems. No other holster configurations are acceptable for this course (Appendix, Cross-Draw, Shoulder, Etc…)
- 4+ Magazines, 4+ Mag Carriers (5+ Magazines/Carriers for pistols with <10rnd capacity)
- Sturdy Belt for mounting Holsters/Magazine Carriers
- 500 Rounds of Target Ammunition
- Eye/Earpro
- Lunch, Water
- Folding Camp Chair
- Weather-Appropriate Clothing
About the Instructor: The course is being taught by Stephen Estes, the owner of Bully Breed Training. Stephen’s resume is extensive, but in a nutshell:
– Police officer for over 33 years
– Instructor since 1993
– Master Instructor at the CT Police Academy
– Runs the Senior Firearms Instructor Program at the CT Police Academy
– Teaches shooting, tactics, and Tactical Emergency Austere Medicine
– Police officer for over 33 years
– Instructor since 1993
– Master Instructor at the CT Police Academy
– Runs the Senior Firearms Instructor Program at the CT Police Academy
– Teaches shooting, tactics, and Tactical Emergency Austere Medicine